Category Archives: News Articles

The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: The Impact Volume 5

The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) released an updated version of the 2017 Volume 5 report. According to RMHIDTA, the purpose of these reports is to provide data and information so that policy makers and citizens can make informed decisions on the issue of marijuana legalization.
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Daily use of marijuana among non-college young adults at all-time high

2017 drug use data shows clear differences in substance use trends between college age adults and their non-college peers. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announced that the latest Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey results on substance use trends as teens transition to adulthood are now available online, comparing substance use patterns of full-time college students to their non-college peers.
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Even ‘Medical’ Marijuana Has Dangers Says DEA

Sorry, pot pushers - your "medical marijuana" is still a Schedule 1 controlled substance. In a recent press release, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirmed the dangers of allowing marijuana to be grown and used freely. Indeed, the detrimental health effects that come from a lack of regulation overshadow the "medicinal" benefits of marijuana...
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