S.O.S. Drug Policy Newsletter & Legislative Updates

Trump Administration Announces Opiate Epidemic Task Force

By Laura Kelly President Trump last week took a first step in evaluating his administration’s response to the epidemic by creating the Commission on Combatting Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. “I made a promise to the American people to take action to keep drugs from pouring into our country and to help those who…
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Marijuana Threat Assessment, Part One: Recent Evidence for Health Risks of Marijuana Use

Thanks to advances in science, we have never known so much about the effects marijuana use has on the human body, particularly, the fragile brain. Yet, in a political era when scientific research is regularly marshalled to end public policy debates, the powerful, growing scholarship on marijuana has largely been ignored or dismissed. Indeed, marijuana use seems to be one of the glaring areas in modern life where wishful thinking reigns over rationality.
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Even ‘Medical’ Marijuana Has Dangers Says DEA

Sorry, pot pushers - your "medical marijuana" is still a Schedule 1 controlled substance. In a recent press release, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirmed the dangers of allowing marijuana to be grown and used freely. Indeed, the detrimental health effects that come from a lack of regulation overshadow the "medicinal" benefits of marijuana...
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