About Us

Committed to establishing, promoting, and enabling sound drug laws and policies

About UsSave Our Society From Drugs (S.O.S.) is a 501(c)(4) national nonprofit organization committed to establishing, promoting, and enabling sound drug laws and policies that will reduce illegal drug use, drug addiction and drug-related illness and death. Our purpose is to help Americans advocate for sound drug policies.

We work to educate our nation's lawmakers and activate grassroots anti-drug coalitions to promote polices that enhance community health and safety.

We provide support and resources to professionals working in fields that are impacted by drug use and abuse such as prevention and treatment providers, medical doctors, lawmakers, teachers, law enforcement officers and others who are working to build a better future.

S.O.S. takes a comprehensive approach to promote sound drug policy that includes education, prevention, abstinence-based treatment, scientific research, and community awareness.